
Printed on 17 July 2024 22:13
Licenses ( 4 record(s) found)
No.Report NameData FileAs ofData Definition
1Numbers of Companies Holding Securities Business, Derivatives Business Licenses ,Trustee Business and Digital Asset BusinessQuarter 1/2024 
2Approval of securities licenses, derivatives licenses trustee license and digital asset licenseQuarter 1/2024 
3Activation of securities business, derivatives business trustee business and digital asset licenseQuarter 1/2024 
4Number of securities companies2023 
Securities Company
The information herein is provided for the public interest. The SEC Thailand collects data from the unaudited financial statements of all Thai securities companies and derivatives broker, which may be different from the data shown in the audited financial statements that will later be disclosed to the public by such securities companies and derivatives broker. In this regard, the SEC Thailand assumes no responsibility for verification, examination or certification of completeness, accuracy and update of the collected data.
( 8 record(s) found)
No.Report NameData FileAs ofData Definition
1Quarterly Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders Equities of All Securities Companies and Derivatives agents (unaudited) (From 2020)Quarter 1/2024 
2Quarterly Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders Equities of All Securities Companies and Derivatives agents (unaudited) (2017-2019)- 
3Quarterly Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders Equities of All Securities Companies and Derivatives agents (unaudited) (2016)- 
4Quarterly Revenues and Expenses of All Securities Companies and Derivatives agents (unaudited) (From 2020)Quarter 1/2024 
5Quarterly Revenues and Expenses of All Securities Companies and Derivatives agents (unaudited) (2017-2019)- 
6Quarterly Revenues and Expenses of All Securities Companies and Derivatives agents (unaudited) (2016)- 
7Total Margin LoanQuarter 1/2024 
8Net Settlement TransactionsQuarter 1/2024 
Professional ( 2 record(s) found)
No.Report NameData FileAs ofData Definition
1Approval of independent professionalsQuarter 2/2024 
2Number of active personnel in securities and derivatives businesses2023 
Last updated on 16 July 2024