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* Executive of holding company


Listing of persons' names in the Issuing Company's Director and Executive Database is for the sole purpose of considering issuing companies' qualifications. It does not, in any event, warrant that the directors or executives on the list do not have any untrustworthy characteristic pursuant to the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding Determination of Untrustworthy Characteristics of Company Directors and Executives. Where it is apparent to the SEC Office that a director or executive whose name is listed in the Issuing Company's Director and Executive Database has an untrustworthy characteristic pursuant to the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding Determination of Untrustworthy Characteristics of Company Directors and Executives, the SEC Office may remove the name of such director and executive from the Database. In addition to name removal due to untrustworthy characteristic(s), the SEC Office will remove the name of a director and executive from the Issuing Company's Director and Executive Database upon his/her death or vacating from the position in the company or when the company where the director or executive holds a position or performs duties is no longer required to prepare and submit a report on financial condition and operating results under Section 56 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992). Unless an executive vacates from a position in a company or the company is no longer required to prepare and submit the aforesaid report, the SEC Office may continue to list the name of such person in the Issuing Company's Director and Executive Database if he/she still holds a position or performs duties as director or executive of another company which has also filed the name of such director or executive

Last Updated 27 March 2025
Last Reviewed 27 March 2025